In my post SAPPHIRE 2019: Long live the king! Long live PaaS! I gave you my opinion about SAP’s future and how their new strategy is heavily Cloud based. Today I want to give you a brief description of SAP Cloud solutions, what are they used for and some links so you can start digging […]
SAP Performance 101: The mystery work process trace
The last two weeks have been crazy. Tons of work and projects, spending time with people I won’t see in the next year, finishing all the paperwork… And in the latest week I moved to Houston with my wife after being waiting for more than one year. So unfortunately I didn’t have enough time to […]
SAPPHIRE 2019: Long live the king! Long live PaaS!
Last week SAP celebrated their SAPPHIRE NOW annual conference in Orlando, Florida. For those of you who doesn’t now SAPPHIRE is a SAP conference that target the business side of SAP. Instead of TechEd which targets a more technical audience SAPPHIRE targets both SAP partners and customers. It is usually a huge date on the […]
AWS Summit Madrid 2019
One more year I had the opportunity to attend the AWS Summit hosted in Madrid. As last year it was a good opportunity to catch up with AWS world and to see old friends and coworkers. I would like to share with you my insight of the conference and give you some details about the […]
10KBLAZE: Surviving the SAPocalyse
In my last post I wrote about the 10KBLAZE exploit that it’s hitting really hard the SAP world during the last weeks. I gave you a few tips you can follow in order to fix the vulnerability. Today I would like to explain a bit more about these solutions you can follow in order to […]
10KBLAZE: Welcome to the SAPocalyse
Bad time for security in SAP systems! Onapsys released yesterday their report about the 10KBLAZE vulnerability related to SAP Gateway and SAP Message Server. To be honest this it not new. Security issues related to both SAP Gateway and SAP Message Server has been around for a long time. The problem is that these exploits […]
The mystery of R3trans
A few weeks ago I was applying a SPS on a SLT system using Software Update Manager. Sometimes when using the SUM you find some troubles right in the middle of the process. I mean, it is really common and not the end of the world. I looked for any SAP Note related to the […]
SAP HANA Best Practices: Archiving and Consistency Check
I decided to start a series of post related to SAP HANA Best Practices. The idea popped up in my mind a few weeks ago when I was checking a SAP HANA databases from several of my customers. It seems that there are some basic best practices that nobody follows… Maybe because they are not […]
SAP HANA 2.0: Upgrade Guide
During the last two months I had the opportunity of performing several upgrades to SAP HANA 2.0. The process itself is quite easy but there are some important topics to review before and after the upgrade. I write this post for those of you who plan to upgrade your HANA databases to the latest available. […]
SAP GUI 7.60: Let me introduce you Belize’s sisters!
SAP released SAP GUI 7.60 officially a few days ago with improvements and a few cool features that I would like to show you. The title of this article is quite similar to the article I wrote: SAP GUI 7.50: Let me introduce you my friend Belize. The article was quite popular so I hope […]