I think this is quite interesting for those of you that are working or plan to work with Azure in the future. One of the best automation solutions nowadays is Ansible. It allows us to create a playbook in order to automatize certain actions. If you combine Ansible with Terraform, mix it with SAP HANA and shake it in the Azure way then you have a powerful tool to deploy SAP HANA Infrastructure in Azure. If you have no idea of what I’m talking about just watch the video:
The best thing is that the guys from Microsoft released all the playbooks, documents and guides in their Github. So far the only options available for deploying are SAP HANA single-node instance and SAP HANA HA using HSR and fully configured pacemaker cluster.
I wish this solution would be fully integrated with Azure as AWS did with their AWS HANA Quicksizer. It is probably a matter of time until they do the same but right now I would like to appreciate the work the did. Kudos to you guys!